Notes:  Cookie Consent App

Photo by Marc Mintel on Unsplash

Notes: Cookie Consent App

How to delay a page rendering: setTimeout

It's possible to hold a component from displaying in a regular workflow using setTimeout.

console.log('What is the capital of Peru?')

    console.log('Lima!') //displays after the 2 statements
}, 3000)

console.log('Ready for next question?')

/** setTimeout(function, delay) */

Forms: Getting input from Users

Clicking on the label brings the corresponding input into focus. More input types can be found at the W3 website-

    <label for="astronautName">Astronaut Name</label>
        placeholder="Neil Armstrong"
 <!-- Both work the same way, (button inside form behaves like submit)
    but button offers more functionality like adding images-->
    <input type="submit">

Adding required to a field will not allow the field to be sent empty. If its an email, it also verifies if '@' is added or not.

Forms: preventDefault

The default behavior of a form clears the form and adds input data to the URL after the submit is clicked. This behavior can be prevented by following code in JS:

loginForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {

Forms: Multiple Buttons Behaviour

When a form has more than one button, then both of them behave as submit buttons. There are 2 other different types that can be added to prevent submit-like behavior. reset clears the form and button just works as a regular button inside the form.

<button type="submit">Accept</button>
<button type="reset" or type="button">Decline</button>

Form Data - Storing data in an object

FormData is a special function to which users can pass data from the form. It stores the data as objects and is retrieved using special methods.

const formData = document.getElementById('form-id')

const data = new FormData(formData)

const name = data.get('input-element-name')

Disabling Elements

Buttons can be disabled and enabled dynamically in JavaScript by setting the boolean value.

buttonId.disabled = true

CSS: row-reverse

Flexbox display can be reversed using flex-direction property. It's applied to the flex container and components will display in reverse (by column or row)

.reverse {

Toggling Classes

If the use-case involves that classes be toggled on and off, then toggle method can be used on classList.



People using screen-readers, need labels to be applied on elements so thats accessible to them. For input elements, it can be achieved by:

    placeholder="Enter your full name"
    aria-label="Full Name"

All the concepts applied to the Cookie Consent project =D