Notes: Building Chrome Extension

Notes: Building Chrome Extension

Styles on <input> Selector

When we add the width to be 100% of the container, the padding also gets added twice and the input field grows bigger than the width. The trick to edit that is adding box-sizing

input {
    width: 100%;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    box-sizing: border-box;

Event Listeners

There are two ways to add event listeners, in HTML or in JavaScript. It's recommended to include it in Javascript for separation of concerns.

let inputBtn = document.getElementById("input-btn")

inputBtn.addEventListener("click", function() {
    console.log("Button Clicked")

//in HTML itself
<button id="input-btn" onclick="saveLead()">Save</button>

Rendering Elements with innerHTML

Javascript can create html elements via innerHTML. If more elements are to be added, you can use append using the increment operator +=

const container = document.getElementById("container") //container is a <div>
container.innerHTML = "<button>Buy!</button>"

container.innerHTML += "<p>Thank you!</p>

Using createElement() and append() instead of innerHTML

Another way to add elements to HTML is by using createElement() method

const ulEl = document.getElementById("ul-el")    

let myLeads = ["", "", 

//Method 1
for (let i = 0; i < myLeads.length; i++) {
    ulEL.innerHTML += "<li>" + myLeads[i] + "</li>"

//Method 2
const li = document.createElement("li")
li.textContent = myLeads[i]

//Improved Performance as DOM manipulation comes at a cost
let listItems = ""
for (let i = 0; i < myLeads.length; i++) {
    listItems += "<li>" + myLeads[i] + "</li>"
ulEl.innerHTML = listItems

Template Strings

The concatenator + sign can be replaced by template strings to make reading the code easier. The above code can be replaced as below:

     listItems += `<li>
                        <a target='_blank' href='${myLeads[i]}'> 

Manifest File

A JSON formatted file to configure this app and store meta-data to make Chrome understand what the extension is about. An extension is wide as it needs to be, so min-width is provided in the styles.css

    "manifest_version": 3, //version of the json file
    "version": "1.1",
    "name": "Leads tracker", //name of the extension
    "action": {
        "default_popup": "index.html",//file to be used when extension is opened
        "default_icon": "icon.png" // image used for the extension

Local Storage

To save data in the browser across page refreshes, we use local storage of the browser. Local Storage only stores string values.

localStorage.setItem(name, value) //both are string values
let valuesFromStorage = localStorage.getItem(name)

//Storing arrays in localStorage
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(value))
let storedNames = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(name));

Truthy and Falsy Values

The following values are considered falsy values in JS

  • false

  • 0

  • ""

  • null -> how you as a developer signalize emptiness

  • undefined -> how JS signalizes emptiness

  • NaN

Deploying the Extension

To deploy the Chrome extension, go to chrome://extensions. Turn on developer mode, click on load unpacked, upload the project folder and enjoy using it ;)

The code can be found on GitHub