Notes :  Building a Blackjack App

Notes : Building a Blackjack App

Setting up Javascript file

To include a JS file in an HTML code, you type the script tag before closing the body tag

<script src="index.js" ></script>

Declaring Variables

let firstName = "Henna"
let LastName = "Singh"
let fullName = firstName + " " + LastName


Variables can be declared using let for mutable variables and const for immutable variables.

Declaring Functions

function greeting() {
    console.log("Hi there")

const greeting = function () {
    console.log("Hi there")
const greeting = () => {
    console.log("Hi there")


console.log("2" + 2) // "22" 
console.log(11 + 7) //  18
console.log(6 + "5") //
console.log("My points: " + 5 + 9) //My points: 59
console.log(2 + 2) // 4
console.log("11" + "14") // 1114

If a string is added with a number, it turns to a string

DOM - Document Object Model

To make websites interactive, Javascript interacts with HTML. The HTML page is referred to as a document. There is a DOM API to understand different elements in a DOM, and with the help of Javascript, you can programmatically change them.

        <img src="images/shoe.jpeg" alt="Nike shoe">
        <p>Nike shoe</p>
        <button onclick= showError()>Purchase - $149</button>
        <p id="error"></p>
        <script src="index.js"></script>
let errorMsg = document.getElementById("error");
let errorMsg = document.querySelector("#error");

function showError() {
    errorMsg.textContent = "Something went wrong, please try again"

Comparison Operators

== compares the values
=== compares both value and type (strict match)


let greeting = ["hello","there"] //ordered lists of data

//Adding Elements
greeting.push("Natalia")// adds to end of the array
greeting.unshift("Sonio") // adds to start of the array

//Remove last item of array
greeting.pop() //from end of the array
greeting.shift() // from the start of the array
  • Arrays are zero-indexed

  • composite data types

  • can take multiple data types: primitives or objects


for(let count =1; count < 11; count += 1) {

Returning from a function

function greeting() {
return "Hello World"



let course = {
    title: "Front-end Development",
    lessons: 16,
    creator: "Per Harald",
    length: 70,
    level: 1,
    isFree: false,
    tags: ["html", "css", "javascript"]
  • complex/composite data types

  • store data in-depth

  • key-value pairs

Generating Random Numbers

Math.random() // 0 - 0.999999

Math.random() * 4 // 0 - 3.9999

Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) // 0 - 3

Check how I used these concepts to create a Blackjack App with just vanilla Javscript